
Our Yard

Fostering healthy, happy children

Back to nature
Outdoor play and learning.

At Fit Kidz our outdoor environment is an extremely important part of our program. We aim to provide a natural play setting to help foster healthy, happy, well-adjusted children.

The Centre is built on 1½ acres ,has been beautifully designed and has a massive yard that includes lots of running, climbing and biking on our fantastic bike track. We also have a huge veggie garden right alongside our friends the chickens!

Drawing from extensive research we have realised that we can do much better for our children than the typical generic, synthetic playground that we have become used to seeing in Early Childhood Centres.

Our yard includes chickens, which the children learn to look after, as well as a very busy worm farm that takes care of lots of our scraps. Together they provide great fertiliser for our vegie garden, where the children grow their own flowers and produce, some of which we use in our kitchen. By getting their hands dirty, our children “connect” with nature in a way that modern lifestyles may not allow.

The Fit Kidz gardening club is held once each month and invites parents and relatives to enjoy our gardens alongside their children and to participate in our many gardening and cooking activities.

In the same way as we teach the habits of healthy eating and lifestyle, we believe that children are never too young to learn to care for our environment, the creatures in it, the principles of recycling & sustainability and the food cycle.

Our outdoor environment has been planned with a “back to nature” approach as much as possible, with the hope of reconnecting children with their natural world. Children need leisurely, sandy, dirty, wet, playful, investigative and exploratory time outside and our yard is set up to provide these enriching opportunities, which form an integral part of our program.