
6 Tips for Safe Sleeping

Red Nose Australia

6 Tips for Safe Sleeping – Red Nose Australia

Red Nose has been a part of Australian culture for over 40 years! We see fundraisers each year, cars with the big read circle and people sporting the attractive foam red nose. But what are they actually for?

Red Nose Australia all began in Victoria in 1977 by Kaarene Fitzgerald following the death of Glenn on Sunday 10 July, one of 18 Victorian babies to die that July. From there it has grown and grown all to support and inform families around Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Too many children were not surviving and too many families were suffering the grief of losing a little one. Something had to change.

As a parent, our primary role is to keep our children safe. Below are some easy tips for babies 0-12 months to consider to assist in keeping your child safe as they sleep.

  1. Keep baby on back – Placing baby on their back to sleep helps keep their airway clear and ensures their protective reflexes work. Back sleeping reduces the risk of suffocation, overheating and choking.
  2. Keep head and face uncovered – Babies control their temperature through their face and head, so keeping baby’s face and head uncovered during sleep helps reduce the risk of overheating. It also helps keep their airways clear which reduces the risk of suffocation.
  3. Keep baby smoke free before and after birth – Smoking during pregnancy and around baby once they are born increases the risk of sudden infant death – this includes second-hand smoke. If you or your partner smoke, don’t smoke around baby and never smoke where baby sleeps. For free help to quit smoking call Quitline on 13 78 48.
  4. Safe sleeping environment night and day – As special as it is to have a sleepy cuddle with your baby, the safest place for baby to sleep is in their own safe space, with a safe mattress, and safe bedding. Baby should always be placed on their back to sleep, with their feet at the bottom of the bassinet or cot.
  5. Sleep baby in a safe cot in parents’ room – Red Nose Australia strongly recommends that the safest place for baby to sleep is in their own safe space, in the same room as their parents or adult caregiver for the first 6-12 months.
  6. Breastfeed baby – Breastfeeding has been shown to reduce the risk of sudden infant death. Refer to this article for further information https://rednose.org.au/downloads/Breastfeeding-Safe_Sleeping-Information_Statement_Nov_2017_WEB.pdf


Red Nose Australia have helped in saving countless little lives in their unrelenting pursuit of supporting families and informing them regarding SIDS.

Melinda Williams

Melinda Williams, mother of 3 children and Education & Inspiration Mentor at Fit Kidz Learning Centres.

All stories by: Melinda Williams