
Blogs and Vlogs

Written articles and videos of interest for Fit Kidz families
You’re Not My Friend Anymore…

This is a statement we often hear one minute then the next they are best friends. It is important to remember early peer relationships have a long-term effect on children and these interactions (both good and bad) have an important impact on a child’s emotional development. When our children interact or play with their peers,…

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Little People – Big Feelings

Have you ever ruined someone’s day by giving them the wrong coloured sippy cup? Or broken a heart by cutting toast into squares? Guilty! What is that?! Why is it such a big deal? How I wish my biggest problem for the day was that my coffee cup is green instead of purple. Right? Surely,…

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Mother’s Day… It’s More Than The Flowers!

As someone who is fortunate enough to have celebrated 15 Mother’s Days with my beautiful boys and worked with many beautiful families over many years, I have learnt a few valuable lessons relating to the second Sunday in the month of every May – Mother’s Day. Make your expectations clear. Sometimes, we expect our partners…

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What To Do When You Need To Talk With Your Child’s Teacher……

I recently found myself in the unusual position of needing to speak to my son’s teacher about a concern regarding an incident that occurred in the classroom. My first reaction was to fire off an email to share my concern and this would have arrived in her inbox at about midnight after spending hours coming…

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6 Tips for Safe Sleeping – Red Nose Australia

Red Nose has been a part of Australian culture for over 40 years! We see fundraisers each year, cars with the big read circle and people sporting the attractive foam red nose. But what are they actually for? Red Nose Australia all began in Victoria in 1977 by Kaarene Fitzgerald following the death of Glenn…

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Why The Royal Interview Interested Our Sam

It is a hot topic at the moment…. the interview with Oprah, Prince William and Meghan Markle. Before most people had even seen the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s interview it had been scrutinised and critiqued all over the world – and as is typically the case for this couple and many in the media,…

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Every Child Is A Winner….. Right?

Every child’s a winner, right? My initial answer is, yes, of course they are. But in life, is that realistic? What if I added that there was always going to be someone better than you, faster than you, more dedicated than you, smarter than you? How would you manage that? How would you feel having experienced a…

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5 After School Conversation Starters

After school can be a lovely time to connect with your child, some are so excited to share news of their day however if your child is like mine, you may be stuck with one-word answers. School days are long, tiring and even if your child has been in an early learning setting full time…

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5 Back To School Tips For Parents!

Heading into the new school year can be very exciting and a little nerve racking. I’m certainly not the Mum at the school as soon as the gates open with my hair perfect and an even crease ironed into my son’s pants. But over the years I’ve found the below tips help us to get…

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I’m Not Ready For Them To Start School!

I’ve had two of my three children start kindergarten now. I cried both times. The build up, the fact they don’t need me as much anymore, the sheer fact that time could pass so quickly. It’s all just too much. I found the whole lead up to starting kindergarten exciting but overwhelming too. Taking them…

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